Premier League
The Bearcats top Men's & Women's teams compete in the SA Premier League, the top basketball competition for South Australia's elite men's teams. The League is played between March and August and includes 10 clubs from metropolitan Adelaide.
You can find more about the Premier League and download the weekly 'Hang Time' program at:
Watch our 2018 matches live via our Facebook page​ or read our match reports at
Premier League
The Bearcats top Men's & Women's teams compete in the SA Premier League, the top basketball competition for South Australia's elite men's teams. The League is played between March and August and includes 10 clubs from metropolitan Adelaide.
You can find more about the Premier League and download the weekly 'Hang Time' program at:
Watch our 2018 matches live via our Facebook page​ or read our match reports at

Adelaide Community League

The Adelaide Community Basketball Association (ACBA) is a competitive junior competition ideal for players starting out, or for older, more experienced players who simply want to play with friends, or who don't want the full-on commitment of District basketball.
It is an excellent, well-organised competition that for starters is often the next step after Aussie Hoops or our Under 8 and Under 9 “Cubs” program.
The ACBA competition consists of two, separate 17 game seasons - Summer (Term 4 and Term 1) and Winter (Terms 2 & 3).
Age groups are Under 8/10 (mixed) and Under 12/14/16/18 (separate girls and boys comps in each age group).
In 2025 West Adelaide will field about 25 teams in ACBA competitions.
Players are welcome to join an existing team or join with your friends and make a new team - we will do our best to accommodate all requests.
For Bearcats ACBA teams and players, the program details are:
1 x game weekly (provided by ACBA) which will be played on Saturdays, with the younger ages in the mornings and older ages in the afternoons
1 x 1 hour training session provided by the West Adelaide Bearcats with club coaches
Games played at stadiums in the northwest or northeast of Adelaide​
Cost: Player Registration fee (approx. $36), Game Fee (approx. $10 per game), Club Training & Team Registration (approx. $200 per player per season)
You can use school vouchers for part reimbursement of the Club fees - see here for how they work
Bearcats ACBA Playing Uniform (please do not order until Tracey has confirmed you are in a team)
New players please email Tracey to request a playing singlet number before ordering (you cannot just select your own number - numbers are controlled to avoid potential double-ups)
Existing ACBA players ordering a replacement uniform can use their current singlet number
Order online at:
Please direct enquiries about West Adelaide's ACBA teams and fee payment to Tracey Doherty via email to:
Players who are ready to register to play ACBA with West can use this link to register:
For West Adelaide ACBA enquiries and fee payment please contact
Tracey Doherty: