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Governance & Club Policies


All documents on this page are in PDF format, unless indicated otherwise.


Club Constitution


The West Adelaide Bearcats Basketball Club Incorporated Constitution can be found here: Club Constitution (PDF)


The Club is a not-for-profit Incorporated Association governed by a volunteer Executive Committee, elected by Members at Annual General Meetings.


The Executive Committee consists of up to 11 people - 8 Elected Members (4 Elected at each AGM for a 2-year term) and up to 3 Appointed Members (who can be appointed by the Elected Members). â€‹



Elected Members following 2025 AGM: 



The Elected Members can appoint up to three additional Executive Committee Members.



The Bearcats have a Junior Committee led by two members of the Club's Executive Committee and comprised of our Age Group Coordinators.


The Junior Committee is known as the 'John Pearce Junior Leadership Group', and is named after long-time Club volunteer John Pearce.


2024 John Pearce JLG


  • Emma Fowler

  • David Bourne

  • Amy Grieger 

  • Morgan Davie 

  • Stacey Knowles 

  • Stacey Freemantle 

  • Mel Lambert 

  • Carrie Schubert 

  • Dee Goldsworthy-Pearn 

  • Andrew Haslett 

  • Karyn Remphrey 

  • Karinda Williamson

Club Codes of Conduct


All parents, players and volunteers involved with the Club are also bound by the following Club policies: 



Club Child & Member Protection Policy & Forms


The West Adelaide Basketball Club is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people accessing our service. We support the rights of the child and will act without hesitation to ensure a child safe environment is maintained at all times.


We also support the rights and wellbeing of coaches, support staff and volunteers and encourage their active participation in building and maintaining a secure environment for all participants by following the policy guidelines.



Basketball Australia Integrity Framework


The Basketball Australia Integrity Framework has been approved by the Basketball Australia Board as a by-law, and therefore must be adopted in full by each state and territory basketball association and their members. As such, the policies apply to the West Adelaide Basketball Club and our members. The policies have been developed with and approved by Sport Integrity Australia. 


The revised Basketball Australia framework includes:

The Basketball SA Working with Children Policy (PDF) has been reviewed to align with the Child Safeguarding policy and also applies to all member clubs/associations of Basketball SA. The Working with Children, Child Safeguarding, Member Protection and Complaints policies also form our obligations un
der the DHS Child Safe Compliance Statement.​


Player Registration & Fees


Please visit the Player Registration page for information on player registration, clearances, and fees. 


Heat Policy


A common policy is the Heat Policy, which states there will be no physical training for any junior grade (U10-U18) if the temperature is forecast to be 38 degrees or above in the Adelaide Advertiser on the morning of the scheduled training. The exception is if the training is in an air-conditioned court/venue and the air-conditioning is turned on. Alternates to physical indoor training such as a whiteboard/theory session may be substituted. 


Common Forms


The following are common forms used by the club:



Player Insurance


  • Players are encouraged to have their own private health insurance

  • Players are also insured through a national Basketball Australia scheme:

  • Please inform the Club Secretary in you intend to use this insurance

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